What is ultrafiltration and how does it work

2019-02-16 17:42:00 mike 839 0 Like
  • Ultra Filtration (UF) is a type of membrane filtration. Industries such as chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, food and beverage processing, and waste water treatment, employ Ultra Filtration in order to recycle flow or add value to later products. Ultra Filtration is commonly abbreviated to "UF."

    UF's main attraction is its ability to purify, separate, and concentrate target macromolecules in continuous systems. UF does this by pressurizing the solution flow. The solvent and other dissolved components that pass through the membrane are known as permeate. The components that do not pass through are known as retentate. Depending on the Molecular Weight Cut off (MWCO) of the membrane used, macromolecules may be purified, separated, or concentrated in either fraction.

    Currently, the study of UF processing occurs mainly in laboratory setups[citation needed] because it is very prone to membrane fouling caused by increased solute concentration at the membrane surface (either by macromolecular adsorption to internal pore structure of membrane, or aggregation of protein deposit on surface of membrane), which leads to concentration polarization (CP)). CP is the major culprit in decreasing permeates flux. Ultra Filtration is used as a pre-treatment step in reverse osmosis processes in many Middle Eastern countries to potable drinking water, as there is little fresh water available in those areas.


    1) No need for chemicals (coagulants, flocculates, disinfectants, pH adjustment)

    2) Size-exclusion filtration as opposed to media depth filtration

    3) Good and constant quality of the treated water in terms of particle and microbial removal

    4) Process and plant compactness

    5) Simple automation

    6) Environmentally friendly

    What does Ultra Filtration remove?

    1) Endotoxins

    2) Plastics

    3) Proteins

    4) Silica

    5) Silt

    6) Smog

    7) Viruses

    Mingmo Ultrafiltration systems have the advantages of high efficiency, high integration and high automation. Designed & refined by professionals, it’s supposed to run long lifespan smoothly with very low mainteinance cost.

    Built with hollow fiber outside-in membranes, up to 500 m3/h, to purify surface or groundwater from suspended solids, colloids and all kind of micro-organisms such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, germs and larvae.

    Ultrafiltration is also commonly use as a Reverse Osmosis plant pretreatment.



